Sharpening Scissors and Knives in Virginia or Sharpening in Reston

Welcome in this blogue I try and blend my passion for sharpening with my passion for social activism in Reston Virginia. Should you have kitchen knives or scissors which you wish to have sharpened or any other question by all means contact me at 703 945 0171 or

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The ARCH forum -Has the RA Already Picked Out It's New Furniture

What if Reston Citizens had line item veto? Would they veto higher dues at the expense of other high priority items that the RA cherishes? would they be willing to do with less. Maybe but RA would not!

None of this was addressed last night at ARCH as candidates rehashed same old same old same old. It struck me that the candidates and RA live in offices where they produce jargon on a daily basis to justify the continued existence of more of the same as the mainstay of there work.

One RA endorsed candidate got a nervous laugh when he suggested what if the RA had no where to go and were out on the curb? The existence of the RA is invested to the max in bloated organization which they want to get still bigger.

The RA has probably already picked out their new office furniture for the New Headquarters. Milton Mathew can only justify his $180,000 salary as Executive Director if he directs something. He would be against more citizen volunteering to actually do the real work at RA at the expense of the paid organization.

The typical ARCH member lives in a cluster where life is even more restricted then the RA. They are full of minute details and in several cases when allowed questions were alowed asked questions that in many cases could not even be understood and had to be re interpreted by the moderator in order to be addressed.

I wanted to ask the candidates (but was prevented by the ARCH moderator who was horfield that I did not want to participate on the forum) who would be for going over the budget and reducing item after item so as to be able to reduce the dues if it could be proved that this is what citizens want.

Even to ask the citizens is not on the agenda. Candidates spoke about communicate communicate communicate but with these guys it'll be the same old stuff. What are three things the RA dose well? What are ways to engage more citizens Robin asked.

The fact is the average citizen hates the institutional jargon and dose not want go to these things and dose not want more of it. They could care less if the RA had no where to go as long as they did not have to listen to it.

Perhaps such forums could serve as a kind of punishment with those who have conducted some kind of outrage and they would be condemned to sit and listen to it for long hours.

The ability of the RA to control the election is being calmly accepted by Reston Citizens who either don't know about it or have grown used to it. They can always just ignore it unless the RA chooses to do something extremely outrageous which it probally will.

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