Sharpening Scissors and Knives in Virginia or Sharpening in Reston

Welcome in this blogue I try and blend my passion for sharpening with my passion for social activism in Reston Virginia. Should you have kitchen knives or scissors which you wish to have sharpened or any other question by all means contact me at 703 945 0171 or

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Big Dig correspondance with Cate and Milton

Flag this messageRe: FW: RA Dissemination of Information RE: "Big Dig"Wednesday, February 17, 2010 5:17 PMFrom: "Rod Koozmin" View contact detailsTo:, "David Robinson 2" , "PeterGreenberg" , "Guy L. Rando" ,, "Ken Knueven" , "Kevin Danaher" , "Kevin Danaher 2" , "Michael E. Collins" , "Patrick Shipp" , "Peter Greenberg 2" , "Rengin Morro" , "Cate Fulkerson" ... moreCc: "fairfaxtimes 12th version" , "Observer lwtter to the editor" ,, "Restonian" Cate,

I'm hearing from some Reston citizens who question the propriety of sending the email, representing as it dose the Reston Association in that it tends to endorse three candidates at the expense of the other seven not mentioned. If the three end up winning the election, given that most citizens don't vote as you explained and the list contains more interested citizens, will that no seemt unfair to the other seven candidates not mentioned. Will they not have a valid grievance at not being mentioned as also supporting citizen volunteering. While it might of made stress for the election committee it is highest priority that we want to have fair elections in Reston.

Could you ask Mr. Mathews if he would extend the ability to send emails
to worthy causes to the other seven or who exactly?

Would he be willing to now send a email fairly admitting the error of sending such a email since it duplicated emails already sent by PTA's and the school board and those did not mention the three candidates?

Has he ever sent any similar emails defacto endorsing canidartes or dose he plan to in the future?

I also shoveled snow at bus stops around Reaton and commend Mr Mathews and everyone else who participated in the effort.

It is my hope as a canidate that we can have two way communication in Reston and any citizen can communicate needs of this sort using the communication tools of the Reston Association .

-Rod Koozmin, Canidate for the At large Seat of the Reaton Association

--- On Wed, 2/17/10, Cate Fulkerson wrote:

From: Cate Fulkerson
Subject: FW: RA Dissemination of Information RE: "Big Dig"
To:, "David Robinson 2" , "Greenberg, Peter" , "Guy L. Rando" ,, "Ken Knueven" , "Kevin Danaher" , "Kevin Danaher 2" , "Michael E. Collins" , "Patrick Shipp" , "Peter Greenberg 2" , "Rengin Morro" , "Rod Koozmin"
Date: Wednesday, February 17, 2010, 4:25 PM


From: Milton Matthews
Sent: Wednesday, February 17, 2010 4:15 PM
To:;;;; Cate Fulkerson
Cc: Robin Smyers; Kathleen McKee ; ' '; Timothy McMahon; TomV RstnAsn;; Richard Chew ; Joe Leighton; 'Paul Thomas'; Higgins, John D.
Subject: RA Dissemination of Information RE: "Big Dig"


As many of you know, there are e-mails and probably other forms of communications circulating which call into question whether it was a wise decision on the part of RA to disseminate information about a community-wide call for volunteers to assist with snow removal on sidewalks, pathways and, in some cases near bus stops, located adjacent to several schools in Reston. The first point I need to make is that the decision to disseminate the information was mine and not that of RA’s Board of Directors. And, given that the members of the Board of Directors are my bosses, I take absolutely no position on whom those individuals will be, with the only exception being the vote I cast as a Member of the Reston Association.

When I was asked if RA would send out the information about the call for volunteers, my first question was whether RA would be the only source attempting to get the word out to the community. I was assured that efforts by many others were already underway to get the word out. Yes, I was very conscious of the fact that the information to be disseminated acknowledged that among the organizers were three candidates for the RA Board of Directors. However, given the nature of the volunteer work and what I believe were many benefits to the community, I do not second guess my decision to disseminate the information via RA’s various communication channels. On a personal note, I actually shoveled snow and ice at Armstrong Elementary School shoulder to shoulder with individuals I was meeting for the first time.

I have repeatedly stated that I want the Reston Association to be a valued and reliable resource to the community, even if there is a matter in which we are not the direct service provider. I believe getting the word out about the call for volunteers was a service to the community, notwithstanding the fact that three of the organizers of the effort are candidates for the RA Board of Directors.

To members of the Election Committee, I apologize if my decision has created a stressful situation for you.

Milton W. Matthews

Chief Executive Officer

Reston Association


RA Vision: Leading the model community where all can live, work, and play.

Will it be election fraud and Reston Association cover up? Maybe people who are powerful and devious enough to perpetrate fraud are clever and diaboli

Will it be election fraud and Reston Association cover up? Maybe people who are powerful and devious enough to perpetrate fraud are clever and diabolical enough to avoid detection and shift the blame.

What are you talking about Rod?

The Reston Association sent out emails urging citizens to volunteer to shovel sidewalks and bus stops so that students could return to school under three current candidates board candidates in the current Reston Association Election. They are all in different races.

Notification had already been sent out by the Fairfax County School Board. So the effect of the Reston Association emails though they claimed to be unofficial was to endorse these candidates above all the other to this active voting group.

Well what if they had nothing to do with the email? Is it really their fault?

What if they win the election, won't there then be a lingering doubt that the email campaign was the thing that pushed these candidates over the edge?

Well Rod what if they are just better candidates, more civic minded and the voters just sense that?

Well then why have a election at all? Why not just allow the board to select whomever they deem best. It could save the Reston Association some $20,000 (or is it $40,000)

With these concerns in mind I emailed the Reston Election Committee. The fate of freedom of election in Reston is in their hands. I include the email address so that interested citizens might want to write the committee of their concerns.

the election committee: regarding improprieties regarding the Reston Association sending out possibly unauthorized emails having the effect of endorsing candidates for the current election.

From: Rod Koozmin
To: Sean Bahrami ;;;; tim donohue 37 ;; David Robinson 2 ; Peter Greenberg ; Guy L. Rando ;; Ken Knueven ; Kevin Danaher ; Kevin Danaher 2 ; Michael E. Collins ; Patrick Shipp ; Peter Greenberg 2 ; Rengin Morro
Cc:; Observer lwtter to the editor ; fairfaxtimes 12th version
Sent: Tue, Feb 16, 2010 11:00 am
Subject: the election committee: regarding improprieties regarding the Reston Association sending out possibly unauthorized emails having the effect of endorsing specific candidates

To The Reston Association Election Committee: If I understand it correctly the Reston Association Email list was used to enlist Reston citizens to shovel snow and imply that it was the brain child of three separate citizens
who also happened to be running for three separate races in the current Reston election.

The notice which I think was great had already gone out to parents of school children by Fairfax county school board so sending it on the RA list had the effect, though it was said to be unofficial, of putting the three in a good light coming as it did from the RA with Reston citizens

I question if Reston resources should be used in this way. Reston candidates are extremely limited by the RA in words for their goals and practicality from contacting citizens. Most citizens do not vote, those on the list probably do.

I would like a investigation on how this could happen. I would also like a explanation of how it happened sent out to the list and all the candidates in the current election. And could the remaining five candidates who are not in effect endorsed also be allowed to use the list for a charity of their choosing or good works so as to balance the effect of this out before the current election is over?

-Rod Koozmin
Candidate for the at Large Seat of the Reston Association

703 945 0171 cell
Posted by Rod's Sharpening Service or Sharpening in Reston at 2:40 PM