Sharpening Scissors and Knives in Virginia or Sharpening in Reston

Welcome in this blogue I try and blend my passion for sharpening with my passion for social activism in Reston Virginia. Should you have kitchen knives or scissors which you wish to have sharpened or any other question by all means contact me at 703 945 0171 or

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Volunteering as a Potential Recreation

One of the greatest potentials for recreation and helping the Reston association budjet wise is Citizen volunteering. I participated in the recent Reston shovel out and in the past remember our parents volunteering the Teraset School. The terraset school had become over run with weeds and we parents rolled up our sleeves and cleaned the place up. it gave all of us a great feeling maybe kind of like community barn raisings of old.

I'm not speaking of the pick of volunteering the Reston association usually emphasizes. I think citizens could with training pretty much do everything in Reston and would like to mostly for the fun of it.

You may not like to go cut down a tree or use a front end loader for the fun of it but I believe there are plenty of people who would and it would make Reston a better community.

Once when my dad moved he gave me his old tractor. I brought it over to my little place here in Reston but there just wasn't much to cut though I volunteered to cut the neighbors for a while. I tried to volunteer to mow the Reston property but there was just no way to ask to volunteer and no concept of greater citizen volunteering.

I was intrigued by a citizen volunteering to bring a bob cat to the recent shovel out. How much more potential might there be?