Sharpening Scissors and Knives in Virginia or Sharpening in Reston

Welcome in this blogue I try and blend my passion for sharpening with my passion for social activism in Reston Virginia. Should you have kitchen knives or scissors which you wish to have sharpened or any other question by all means contact me at 703 945 0171 or

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Is What we need in Reston is more Flexable Thinking!

Is what I'm thinking we need in Reston is more recreational facilities but flexible thinking! If you say to me that well we don't have enough places for the children to swim so we need to build 50 more lanes so they can swim at between 4 and 6 is what I'm thinking is what about them swimming at 7 or 8 o'clock instead? I'm a swimmer and often find myself swimming in a virtually empty pool by scheduling my swimming at NON PEAK times.

If I were a tennis player who was unhappy that there was no place to play tennis between November and March what about indoor table tennis? What id we set up about a dozen tables right inside our great big community center room and started playing indoor table tennis?

The only reason we don't is because the staff would complain. The staff there are virtually taking over the building expanding their offices at a alarming rate until there may be no more room left at RCC.

The problem is RCC has taken all of our money! We pay about five cents on the hundred dollars of real estate value while McLean pays only 2 cents. Fairfax has taken all of our money! There is nowhere else to go as far as community center. We need to all stand up and holler Cathy Hudgins give us back our money! The old elected RCC board (three back) tried to move in this direction but were prevented by Cathy. The RCA tried to get Reatonincorperated but Cathy prevented it. Meanwhild is what we need is flexable thinking! There's a old Russian Proverb that went If you can't eat the Fish eat a creyfish-Rod Koozmin

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