Sharpening Scissors and Knives in Virginia or Sharpening in Reston

Welcome in this blogue I try and blend my passion for sharpening with my passion for social activism in Reston Virginia. Should you have kitchen knives or scissors which you wish to have sharpened or any other question by all means contact me at 703 945 0171 or

Monday, February 15, 2010

Is The Forte of our Institutions is Legaese not community

Milton Mathew the $172,000 a year Reston Executive Director wrote back me some years ago that the reason we cannot have bulletin boards that citizens can post their concerns on a public bulletin board is it will be used by pedophiles and the Reston Association would be legally liable.

Lila Gordon the outspoken Executive Director of the Reston Community Center who has contributed $200 to Cathy Hudgins similarly told me the reason why we cannot have a similar bulletin board at the community center (as well as presumably a suggestion box like the Vienna Community center has) is because their Fairfax County legal council has advised against it.

This makes me wonder is the main product of our Institutions legalese instead of community communication and links?

For about a two year period the Reston Association did provide a citizen accessible bulletin board where citizen could post their concerns. It is a requirement of the state of Virginia that Home Owners Associations be required to provide It was at the Reston Association but has suddenly with out announcement been taken down.

The Lake Ann Plaza features a bulletin board maintained for many years by the Reston Used book store. But that too has gone institutional and citizens can no longer use it to post concerns for which it looks it was originally designed as a central place for the community.

The all nationality grocery store at tall oaks shopping center used to feature two prominent bulletin boards that were widely used but that store went out of business. There are few bulletin boards the first place for our freedom of press in Reston.

I argue we need communication in Reston in order to be a community. We need to hire lawyers that will help us be a community instead of finding legal objections to communication. This should be our focus.

Our Neighborhood advisory committee which I am a member, is currently looking at plans to erect citizen accessible bulletin boards throughout Reston in compliance with the state directives. We found that we have no way to publicize Reston events like the Meeting at the Sheraton for Clusters for example. But when we express this to the board will this too be shot down again for some kind of legal reason?

For hundreds of years this country has allowed public bulletin boards. I see them in use when I travel to other towns through out the nation.

We don't need no suggestion at the Reston Community Center but in Vienna they do. This seems to be what our RCC are saying to us.Originally to have a "Community" Center was a grass roots effort. Somehow it got institutionalized and taken away from the very people that pay for it.

Citizens for example wanted and worked for a wood shop that could be used instead of having to keep large wood shop that could be shared instead of having buy and store workshop tools our small homes. But the RCC maybe doesn't like people trailing in and out with there wood projects and as a result limits it's use to just one day and one night when citizens can actually use it. And it closes it for "periodic maintenance" which no one can learn what is maintained.

I say we need to be a community and we need for our institutions to not oppose citizens wanting to express them selves.

In the current election Candidates are given 150 words by the Reston Association to state our goals. We are also given 20 seconds on their You Tube and Comcast broadcast. The Connection is giving us 100 words. The Reston Citizens Association is giving us 60 words times three. There is more that needs to be expressed as a candidate then just a few words though we are thankful for these and it is more then other citizens have.

Currently we have the Reston master plan which will effect all the citizens who live here. In order to be a community we need some way to communicate. It's the institutions that are telling us that everything is fine. We don't need any way to express ourselves we just can rely on them.

Currently only ten to twenty percent of citizens vote in Reston Association Elections. We did have people serving on the board of the Reston community Center that only had 200 voters electing them. Is it because there are so few places for citizens to learn about the issues and candidates that so few vote?